Mike Diamond… Bunco Booth Operator

Hustler, card sharp and short con artist.
Gambling cheat for hire working BAE Systems event

Bunco Booth operator for hire…. with over 40 years in the hustling game

Magician and Corporate Gambler

Choose the best entertainment for your event.https://www.gamblingcheatforhire.co.uk/bunco-booth-walkabout-costumed-character-company-branding-choose-the-best-option-for-your-event/

Working  as an entertainer and lecturer of gambling games.

Entertaining with swindles and bar bets all performed in a professional manner. Hire gambling cheat for your event.

Exponent of the shells and pea, and the game of fast and loose.

Fast and loose….

In the first world war this fabulous con trick was referred to as the Old Army Game, or as it was originally known, Pricking the garter.

An old race course game. It uses a chain thrown into the shape of an hourglass.

The willing participant has to use his wits to work out which side will catch his finger. Needless to say the bunco booth operator will never be beaten.

Cheating Mike Diamonds, gambling cheat for hire.Tools of the trade
Tools of gambling cheats illicit trade.

Master of the the three card trick, with many other short cons, card tricks and bar bets . Click the link to learn some easy bets to fool your friends


Mike Diamonds sleight of hand is spectacular and entertaining, and offers unique entertainment for the discerning client.

Contact today to discuss your requirements

Mike Diamond puts the CON in CONsultant, and the ENTERTAIN in ENTERTAINment

An interactive and memorable event is guaranteed. 

  •  Exciting backdrop that can be personalised with a company or clients identity.
  •  Strengthened by your companys branded prizes or giveaways.
  • Combined with an eye catching set to ensure your guests or clients will be impressed at how their message is reinforced.
  • Getting a product noticed and remembered in a unique way.

Contact Mike Diamond today to discuss your ideas

Click just here. https://gamblingcheatforhire.co.uk/contact-bunco-booth-operator/

email : mdimagic@outlook.com

Business Mobile: 07724273157

Skype: live:mdimagic_1

Photo ofMike Diamond
Mike Diamond
(Bunco Booth Operator)
Job Title
Bunco Booth/ Magician
Gambling Cheat for Hire
Rock Road,
Sittingbourne, ME10 1JG