Win money, free drinks, free meals, free dates with bar bets, short cons and swindles for fun and profit
Bottoms up
Bar Bet someone £10.00 you can drink 3 pints of water before they can drink 3 shot glasses full.
Only rule is nobody can touch the others glass.
Ask them, as you are at a clear disadvantage, not to start until you have finished your first pint.
When they agree, drink your first one, then turn your glass upside down and place it over one of their full ones…. they cant win, as their glass is trapped beneath yours, and nobody can touch your glass.
Bar bet KERCHING !!!
Win Bar Bets !!! Bet someone you can get wine out of a bottle without taking the cork out.
You don’t have to be a magician to do this… when they accept the challenge, take a spoon, and push the cork INTO the bottle.
It’s all in the wording, but you have not taken the cork out of the bottle, but the wine flows freely.
Bar bet KERCHING !!!
Follow on Corker
Bar Bet the folk gathered around you £10.00 that you can get the cork back out of the bottle.
Ask them to try first. When they fail, show them how.
Push a thin cloth napkin into the bottle, holding on to the end of the napkn in your hand.
Shake the bottle until the cork gets entrapped in the napkin, make sure the cork is lined up with the neck, then pull the napkin out, and hey presto.. the cork will be pulled out also…
Bar bet KERCHING !!!
Get a grip
Ask your mark ( slang for mug ) to grasp their hands together as in figure 1.
Get them to extend the third ( ring ) fingers of each hand, and pressed together.
Place a folded £10 note ( theirs !!! ) between the extended fingers.
The bet is if they can release the note without changing their finger positions, you will double their money… if they cant, you keep the note…
As long as they keep their hands in that position, it’s impossible to separate the extended fingers…
KERCHING…you are a tenner up.